This article tells us how to use the settings.exe file in PES 2013. It will enable you to customize your controls, including using a controller. This article also shows you how to use the settings.exe file in FIFA 14 and 15 as well as FIFA 16, 17, and 18. How to Use the Settings File In PES 2013: You can find an infinite number of ways that the Settings menu can be modified within PES 2013 by looking through its options tab located at [Start > Programs > Konami > Pro Evolution Soccer 2014]. The options are done in real time during gameplay. But you can also find the Settings menu by clicking the "Options" button located within the main menu screen or pressing [OPTION] + [O]. The settings are categorized into 2 main tabs, General and Gameplay. There's also a "Load Schemes" link within each tab, allowing you to save settings for use with different teams and leagues. How to Use Settings.exe In FIFA 14: Before using any of these changes, make sure you've enabled all of PES 2014's options by opening the main menu and clicking "Options. If you want to use a controller with your game for some reason, you can do so by pressing [OPTION] + [C]. To customize the controls, go to "Controller Settings". You can then adjust which of your controls will be used by the left stick and which of them will be used by the right stick. If you're using a pad, change "Left Stick" and "Right Stick" if they aren't the same. If you're using a button setup, change "A", "B", and "X" in this order. Then press [Set]. The changes are saved when you press [Save]. For more information, see this article. How to Use Settings.exe In FIFA 15: Before using any of these changes, make sure you've enabled all of PES 2015's options by opening the main menu and clicking "Options". If you want to use a controller with your game for some reason, you can do so by pressing [OPTION] + [C]. To customize the controls, go to "Controller Settings". You can then adjust which of your controls will be used by the left stick and which of them will be used by the right stick. If you're using a pad, change "Left Stick" and "Right Stick" if they aren't the same. If you're using a button setup, change "A", "B", and "X" in this order. Then press [Set]. The changes are saved when you press [Save] or [Save As]. For more information, see this article. How to Use Settings.exe In FIFA 16: Before using any of these changes, make sure you've enabled all of PES 2016's options by opening the main menu and clicking "Options". If you want to use a controller with your game for some reason, you can do so by pressing [OPTION] + [C]. To customize the controls, go to "Controller Settings".
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